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Published date Dec 24, 2018

lash pash chatLash Pash Chat

08-09-14 (B.R.M Lecture 5th semester BBA)


Types of research:        (i).      Quantitate research                     (ii).     Qualitative research

Only measurable data are being gathered and analyzed in quantitative research.

Qualitative research focuses on gathering of mainly verbal data rather than measurements. Gathered information is then analyzed in an interpretative manner, subjective, impressionistic or even diagnostic.

Here’s a more detailed point-by-point comparison between the two types of research:

1. Goal or Aim of the Research: The primary aim of a Qualitative Research is to provide a complete, detailed description of the research topic. It is usually more exploratory in nature.

Quantitative Research on the other hand focuses more in counting and classifying features and constructing statistical models and figures to explain what is observed.

Read also: Aims of Research







Whole picture


Type of Research



2. Usage: Qualitative Research is ideal for earlier phases of research projects while for the latter part of the research project, Quantitative Research is highly recommended. Quantitative Research provides the researcher a clearer picture of what to expect in his research compared to Qualitative Research.






3. Data Gathering Instrument: The researcher serves as the primary data gathering instrument in Qualitative Research. Here, the researcher employs various data-gathering strategies, depending upon the thrust or approach of his research. Examples of data-gathering strategies used in Qualitative Research are individual in-depth interviews, structured and non-structured interviews, focus groups, narratives, content or documentary analysis, participant observation and archival research.

On the other hand, Quantitative Research makes use of tools such as questionnaires, surveys, measurements and other equipment to collect numerical or measurable data.

4. Type of Data: The presentation of data in a Qualitative Research is in the form of words (from interviews) and images (videos) or objects (such as artifacts). If you are conducting a Qualitative Research what will most likely appear in your discussion are figures in the form of graphs. However, if you are conducting a Quantitative Research, what will most likely appear in your discussion are tables containing data in the form of numbers and statistics.

5. Approach: Qualitative Research is primarily subjective in approach as it seeks to understand human behavior and reasons that govern such behavior. Researchers have the tendency to become subjectively immersed in the subject matter in this type of research method.

In Quantitative Research, researchers tend to remain objectively separated from the subject matter. This is because Quantitative Research is objective in approach in the sense that it only seeks precise measurements and analysis of target concepts to answer his inquiry.

Categories of research:

01.Exploratory research:

Exploratory research is to simplify the complex research problem into simple research problems. Where the researcher does not know the actual problem and the ways and means of searching the solution for the problem encountered. You have no secondary data or literature review or guidance for this research design. 

02.Causal research:

Cause & effect oriented, change in variables make how much change in others defined in this type of research. In this case the researcher exactly knows what has to be studied and where to look for the solution. Secondary data and literature review are available in this case.

03.Descriptive research:

Objected oriented, describe the object’s feathers and characters. In this case the researcher exactly knows what has to be studied and where to look for the solution. Secondary data and literature review are available in this case.

Abstract:  abstract is the short summary of the article, in this we give overview of the entire article in short and summarize format.An abstract is a succinct summary of a longer piece of work, usually academic in nature, which is published in isolation from the main text and should therefore stand on its own and be understandable without reference to the longer piece. It should report the latter's essential facts, and should not exaggerate or contain material that is not there.

Its purpose is to act as a reference tool (for example in a library abstracting service), enabling the reader to decide whether or not to read the full text.

Two common reasons for writing an abstract are

  1. to summarize a longer piece of work published as a journal article, thesis, book or web page, an existing article for the purposes of a journal,
  2. or to submit an application to write a paper for a conference.

Parts of abstract: Same like the parts of article the abstract have some outlines to create it

(i).          Object of article.                                              (ii).         Research methodology.

(iii).        Result.                                                                  (iv).        Partial implement.

(v).         Key Words


Note: B.R.M Notes Click Here

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