Submitted By: Mansoor Alam
Submitted To: Sir Intakhab
Assignment: Marketing Management
________________________ Special Work___________________________________
Internal Environment: The conditions, entities, events, and factors within an organization that influence its activities and choices, particularly the behavior of the employees. Factors that are frequently considered part of the internal environment include the organization's mission statement, leadership styles, and its organizational culture.
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Definition: to analyze the internal environment of a firm must critical evaluation its objective, strategies, performance, education of resource & structurecharacteristics.
A. Review of objective strategies & Performance: we need to review our planning is working or we are facing some problem that must be removed for better results.
Important Questions:
a. What are the current marketing objectives?
Answer: We need to investigate about current market condition and we must analyze that what we planning for and what is our object and goal we need a clear vision and marked point to achieve that. We must declare enough goals that can be possible to get that also not much easy to make no effort for it!
b. Is the marketing goals objective consistent with the corporate of business unit?
Answer: as I mention above those goals must be achievable and also likely to the company long run planning and also support the organizational planning. Its help to maintain its goodwill and its operation will not be much effected.
c. Who is current marketing strategies performance with respect to anticipated outcomes?
Answer: when we set our goals we move on implement and take analysis in short period to make sure that our working performance on that is good. We make sure our planning is successful and enough reliable to move on it.
d. Who close current performance compare to the other organization in the industry?
Answer: when we insure or policy we analysis our performance and then compare this with other organizations within the industry to make sure our goals are enough good that we set and how much improvement we required to make our work best then others.
e. If the performance is decaling what are the most likely causes?
Answer: if we not performing well like others then we concentrate on the causes and facts are involve in our bad performance. Then we take steps to remove flaws and make performance better.
f. If performance is improving what action can be taken to insure that performance contains to improve?
Answer: if we are performing well we must find out our strong points and find facts that make us successful then others and then in future how to use then again and again to make good business.
B. Review of current & anticipated resources: ..
a. What is the state of current organizational resources?
Answer: we need to make sure that our resources are enough to run business for long time and enough to make long run plans and there growth rate and decline rate are very important. Basic resources are following:
i. Financial iii. human
ii. Experience iv. relationship (suppliers and customers)
b. Are these resources likely to change for better or worse in the future?
Answer: we need to analyze the resources condition as I sat above that we need to know about growth and decline rate of these resources to insure the better future for business.
c. If the changes are better than these resources can be used?
Answer: how to utilize the better portion of resources to maintain and develop our business and make sure that we have best planning for it.
d. If the changes are worse what can be done to compensate for this new resource constraint?
Answer: we need to seek better use and planning to build methods to utilize the recourse in efficient way, limited resources to get almost unlimited benefits is best strategy. We need to find new resources to fulfill our needs and planning to get our goals.
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