Key points: i. Deduction ii. Induction iii. Concept iv. Construct
v. Hypotheses vi. Theory vii. Premises viii. Argument
ix. Facts & Fingers x. Expositions
v Deduction: from Specific to general. In this fact come first (Argument) then reasons come (Premises) to prove that fact is deduction.
v Induction: from general to specific. In this Reasons or premises come first then argument, conclusion given on bases of facts.
v Concept: The clear, well-known facts are Concepts (that can be checked and observed) like weight, distance, color etc.
v Construct: Unclear, complex, difficult to checked or observed like happiness, sadness, satisfying, angry etc.
v Hypotheses: facts, Arguments tested on bases of scientific methodology.
v Theory: hypotheses tested many time and get positive results that become law for example if we combine H and O then it’s become H2O (water).
v Argument: a statement backed/based by “Premises”.
v Premises: the reasons, causes, facts, and figures that are used as prove to verify the Argument.
v Expositions: Statement not based/backed by “Premises”.
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